Sunday, June 24, 2012

The First Class

Today I finally was able to carve time into my insane schedule for a class at the Y.
It was not easy.  I worked 3rd shift this weekend,. I had not slept much this weekend due to other obligations and I will admit that I did not feel like working out.
But, I put on my shorts, t-shirt and workout shoes, and drove myself up to Edinboro.  I did not let myself think too much about what the class would be like.  I just drove and forced myself to walk in.
I did the 12:15 class, which was a boot camp class.
I'm not going to lie.  It was hard.  The class may have been a little above my ability level, but how am I supposed to get better if I do not push myself, right?  So, I followed along the best I could, and when I couldn't keep up I did this weird march thing that I just made up to keep my heart rate up.
Now, seeing as I am over 300 pounds, and I'm used to working out all by my lonesome in my living room, this was definitely a new experience.  The class only had the instructor and one other participant in the room.  Normally, I'm all chatty and would have introduced myself to the other person, but I am tired, and I was the new girl, and wasn't quite up to it.  I trust the social aspect will be a little more encouraging when there are more people there (I heard that many of the class participants were all at the same graduation party.)
I had tears in my eyes by the time I left.  I was embarrassed.  Sore.  Self conscience.  All those emotions that sometimes rear their ugly heads during tough times. especially when you are exhausted.  But, I decided before I left I wasn't going to give up.  I'll try again tomorrow.  At 5:15pm to be exact.
Tomorrow would be a GREAT day for you to show up too, since you know that there will most definitely be someone less coordinated (both in the physical and fashion sense! hahah!) there.  We can cheer each other on.
I think that is the one main thing I hope to gain from this Y membership: friendships.  I had a small glimmer as I was exiting my class.  I saw a girl from high school.  She encouraged me to try her Zumba class.  Maybe I will?  Because she smiled at me.  And because she asked.  How about you?  Will you come work out with me?

1 comment:

  1. You're very brave! I remember looking in the spinning classroom at the Y, chickening out and walking away! I know how intimidating it is so good for you.
