Monday, July 30, 2012

Cardio Therapy

Tonight, I went to the Y after a busy day of work, boating, child wrangling, and preparing for a foreign exchange student that is arriving in our home tomorrow.

Can I just say that those 22 minutes on the elliptical were a little piece of solace from the craziness of my world?  Sometimes, it's really nice just to get on a machine, push your body, quit thinking and do something really good for yourself!

That's pretty much my only thought today.  I did lift some weights and whatnot too, but the cardio...for's cleansing! :)

Sunday, July 29, 2012

Time for Me Again

What I need more than anything is hope...
Writing gives me hope.   Exercise gives me hope.  Sometimes, other people give me hope.
So, here I am tonight, laying it all out on the line:  I NEED HOPE!

I need hope that somehow I can find my groove.  That I can indeed take care of myself.  That people still believe in me, even when I feel like I'm hitting walls week after week.

I was doing so well in the beginning of the summer with bootcamp.  And it's not that I'm doing terribly bad now or anything...I just can't seem to find that flow...It's one obstacle after another.
The fourth of July, working extra hours, a huge wedding in which all four of our family members were part of the wedding party, getting sick, my blood sugar dropping low during exercise, getting sick again...These are all valid and very real issues that have come my way over the last month, but I am tired of excuses...and I'm ready to take care of ME again!

I REFUSE to give the thief of time or distraction any more victories.  I will go to the Y tomorrow!  I WILL exercise harder than ever!  I will make you proud of me!  And I will make me proud of me too!

And, then, when I go to bed tomorrow, I will have more hope than I have tonight!

Monday, July 2, 2012

Benefits and Hardships

I have an advantage that most people don't have when it comes to the battle of the bulge...I happen to love exercise.  Even at 320 pounds, I still love to work out!
 Tonight, after work, I went to the Y and had yet another amazing workout with Kathy.  I reached a new achievement today; I made it 20 minutes on the elliptical!  I didn't go super fast or even push the level past one, but I kept going steady for 20 minutes.  I was so excited about that accomplishment...and I swear the more I sweat the happier I get.  We also did some weights and stretching, which I feel just adds extra power to my workouts.
After my workout at the Y, I gathered my two little cutie pies from the child care room (which they love, which helps immensely with detaching my 3 year old from my leg for an hour each day!) and quickly headed home.
See, at my house right now, I'm leading a Bible Study called Made to Crave.  This book is written by an amazing author, Lysa TerKeurst and is written in a very candid and real language.  It's all about how we often misplace our craving, which should be directed toward God, towards food.  There is not an aspect of weight loss she doesn't cover in this book.  It's been life changing for me.  Tonight, we had the privilege of reviewing a chapter called, "But Exercise Makes Me Want to Cry."  
Now, as I have already mentioned, I love exercise.  But, as much as I love it, there are some days that I still feel unmotivated and sluggish.  The author encourages us to make an actual pro and con list of the benefits and hardships of exercise.  I thought that would be a great thing for me (and you!) to do for those days when we just need that extra push to get off the couch and on the elliptical.

1.  Sometimes it is hard to squeeze into my schedule (however, I will say that usually it is my priorities that are an issue, and not the time itself.)
2.  Sometimes babysitting isn't available. (These times I can remind myself that I do not necessarily have to be at the Y for a great workout...I have a small collection of workout DVD's, handweights, resistance bands, a kettle bell, a weighted ball and an exercise ball at home..not to mention my outdoor bike, kids to play with, and feet to walk me around town!)
3.  It hurts.  (What doesn't kill you only makes you stronger right?)

So, I guess my hardships don't really stand a chance, now do they?

Here are some benefits for me personally with exercise...
1.  Exercise helps me ward of anxiety attacks.  (This is a huge one in my life right now.)
2.  I sleep better at night.
3.  Oddly enough, I feel energized after a workout.
4.  I get to chat with Kathy at the Y when I'm working out.  I also get to meet lots of people, which is awesome!
5.  I become tougher.
6.  I become smaller.
7.  I become healthier.
8.  I feel more confident.  
9.  I love learning new things and then being able to teach them to other people.
10.  Exercise helps me control my blood sugar levels and hopefully will help me raise my good cholesterol number.
11.  There is just something about hitting a new goal with exercise that makes me feel completely empowered.
12.  Right now, in this particular time in my life, exercise is "me" time.
13.  When I exercise, my eating habits are generally better.
14.  All those magazine articles are proven mood really does boost!

These are just some that I was able to think of in less than three minutes!  I bet I could list 100 benefits and pros of exercise if I continued to think for an hour or so.  Obviously, the benefits are beyond greater than my non-justfiable hardships.  I don't know if as a blog writer I'm allowed to assign you homework, but I'm going to take a chance and do just that!  I really encourage you to make your own list.  Just in that little exercise I felt like I never wanted to miss a workout ever again.  We can read articles and blogs over and over, but there is something about reading you own words that remind you that YOU think exercise is a good idea and that YOU need to be there too! :)  
Hope to see you at the Y!  If you see me, feel free to stop and say hi!

Sunday, July 1, 2012

All Smiles

I can't stop smiling.
That's quite an improvement over my last post.  But, it's true.
You know how sometimes you have to find a groove?  Or how sometimes you dive in water that is just a little too deep and you get overwhelmed?  Or simply, how somethings just look so much more amazing once you have had a nap and some tylenol?
That's how things have been for me lately!

After my first class I took, and talking to Tonya, I realized that maybe, just maybe, that class was a little bit over my head.  But, I decided to try out the Y Pump on Wednesday.  And, even though it was just as challenging, it was a perfect fit for my fitness regime!  I left feeling accomplished!  And the next day, I work up sore...which was awesome, since that is exactly how I want to feel the next day after pushing myself!  It was just the right kind of sore!

Then, today, I spent time working out with Kathy and Malia.  Those ladies rock!  Let me just tell ya!  I really felt like they helped me push myself a little bit more than I would do on my own, but still helped me "tailor" my workout to what my body can do.

I will admit, that it's hard after working out for 6 months now, after losing 40 pounds and still feeling very limited.  But, Malia was talking to me a little bit during cool down today, and reminded me that it's a step by step thing.  And while I do not remember her exact words, I left feeling encouraged.

I have plans to meet Kathy again tomorrow and work out for about an hour.  I'm hoping that maybe I can set some goals (or at least set a baseline) for some cardio work and that I leave sweating just as much as I was today!

I'm hoping to hear feed back from some other Y members, and also maybe meeting some new workout friends feel free to leave a message!  Thanks for reading and for sharing your tips with me!

P.S.  One lady today told me today that her best work out tip is to take all her negative energy and use it as a catalyst to work out as hard as she can!  What do you do to ensure an awesome workout?

Sunday, June 24, 2012

The First Class

Today I finally was able to carve time into my insane schedule for a class at the Y.
It was not easy.  I worked 3rd shift this weekend,. I had not slept much this weekend due to other obligations and I will admit that I did not feel like working out.
But, I put on my shorts, t-shirt and workout shoes, and drove myself up to Edinboro.  I did not let myself think too much about what the class would be like.  I just drove and forced myself to walk in.
I did the 12:15 class, which was a boot camp class.
I'm not going to lie.  It was hard.  The class may have been a little above my ability level, but how am I supposed to get better if I do not push myself, right?  So, I followed along the best I could, and when I couldn't keep up I did this weird march thing that I just made up to keep my heart rate up.
Now, seeing as I am over 300 pounds, and I'm used to working out all by my lonesome in my living room, this was definitely a new experience.  The class only had the instructor and one other participant in the room.  Normally, I'm all chatty and would have introduced myself to the other person, but I am tired, and I was the new girl, and wasn't quite up to it.  I trust the social aspect will be a little more encouraging when there are more people there (I heard that many of the class participants were all at the same graduation party.)
I had tears in my eyes by the time I left.  I was embarrassed.  Sore.  Self conscience.  All those emotions that sometimes rear their ugly heads during tough times. especially when you are exhausted.  But, I decided before I left I wasn't going to give up.  I'll try again tomorrow.  At 5:15pm to be exact.
Tomorrow would be a GREAT day for you to show up too, since you know that there will most definitely be someone less coordinated (both in the physical and fashion sense! hahah!) there.  We can cheer each other on.
I think that is the one main thing I hope to gain from this Y membership: friendships.  I had a small glimmer as I was exiting my class.  I saw a girl from high school.  She encouraged me to try her Zumba class.  Maybe I will?  Because she smiled at me.  And because she asked.  How about you?  Will you come work out with me?

Thursday, June 21, 2012

Too Hot to Trot

Well, under normal circumstances I would say that 90 degree weather is just a tad warm, and definitely too warm for a brisk evening walk.  However, Kathy, who is an exciting ball of energy, no matter what the weather, didn't think it was, so off I followed her for a quick trek around Edinboro's Campus loop today.
This week has been hard.  My son who is six has had swimming lessons all week long from 6 to 7.  I work until about 4:30 every night, and I have not made it to the YMCA one time this week.  I was feeling pretty disappointed, like I was going to let Kathy down and she would never think I'm a rockstar....but, she emailed me with this opportunity and I couldn't pass it up! :)
I think my schedule is going to be the biggest challenge with the Y.  The child care is only provided at select times, and thankfully one of those times coincides with a time I'm not at work, there is a class I feel comfortable participating in, and Kathy is free.  I'm grateful for that.
So, next week, I hope that my "routine" will finally fall into place.  I encourage all of you who are crazy busy to share your thoughts on making the YMCA fall into your routine.  I am determined to find a way, but pointers are always appreciated!

Monday, June 18, 2012

My Initial Meeting

Hi there!  I'm Sarah Rose.  
Some things you should know about me.  I currently weigh in around 320 pounds.  I started at 360 pounds.  I've lost that missing forty pounds in the last 5 months.  I'm excited about my progress.
The number one thing I have found that has helped me be successful is accountability.  This is the main reason I'm so excited to try my "Great Y Experiment."  I have at my side a six month membership, a trainer/accountability partner/new friend named Kathy, and a deep desire to get to a healthy weight for the first time ever in my life.
I met with Kathy a few days ago.  She was amazing.  She gave me a tour of the Y, a schedule of all the classes, and helped me feel hopeful that this was a place I would "fit" and "belong."  I observed a class going on and was optimistic that the class would not be too crowded for me to feel comfortable, but still had enough people that I would not feel singled out.  I have a lot to learn about using the machines, but I'm feel confident that I will get the hang of them as time goes on.
I plan on writing about the classes I attend, the people I meet, the things I learn, and my progress over the next six months.  Please join me!  Come to the classes!  Set goals with me!  I can even interview you for my blog!  And we can achieve our goals together!